Nails and reading may be my passions, but my family is my whole reason for living, so I'm sure you will hear a lot about all of them throughout the course of this blog. I am the mommy of 3 wonderful little guys (Jesse, Michael, and Benjamin), whom I am lucky enough to get to stay home with every day. I am engaged to the wonderful love of my life, Rob. (Our family is finally complete now that we've "found Daddy," as our boys always say.) My babysitter kids are always hanging around the house, too, and are also a big part of our family.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Miss Me? Grand Reopening

Hey Sweeties! Here is my second try at blogging. Hope nobody missed me too terribly much this past 13 months. Ha ha. (Geesh, where is that sarcasm font when I need it?) The amazing nail group World of Nailcraft has inspired me to try this again, so hopefully I can do them justice.  ;) 

Since I'm about a year and a half behind with this mani posting business (oops!), I will be adding an old mani on the blogs with each new mani. Hopefully it will be obvious how much I have improved over time. I feel like I have learned SO much from the Facebook nail groups I hang out with.

Anyway, on to the manis!

Last night I wasn't feeling very inspired, so I had only planned to grab an untried color and put a simple coat of polish on. What I picked out was Wet N Wild MegaLast "Lava Brew." I ended up liking it so much more than I expected! "Lava Brew" is a pink polish (On me? No way, right?), but it has hints of orangish gold in it. Needless to say, once my nails were polished, I just could not leave the mani alone at that; this was just screaming for some butterfly wings.

I got out my KD 26 plate for the butterfly wings, but wanna know a secret? The wing images from this maker are a little small for my nails, so I whipped out my m19 tip plate and did black tips before I stamped my butterfly wings on. That way, the whole nail was sure to be covered. 

After the stamping and clean up was finished, I added two sizes of dots with my dotting tool, used my favorite Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Top Coat, and here we are! 

Lava Brew Butterfly Mani using KD 26 and m19
Wet n Wild "Lava Brew" base with KD 26 butterfly wing plate

What do you think about butterfly wing manis? If you've done one, please share with me what your favorite base colors are for them. I'm always looking for good suggestions. :)


Okay, now here is a mani from a year ago. I'm kind of embarrassed to even show this, but I promised to include old manis in the blog, so here it is. The full nail images are from the plate BM-317 and the single images are from a Salon Express kit.

August 26, 2012

Oh boy. Obviously this isn't the best mani in the world, but I'm sure I was *really* proud of it last August. (You can't see, but I'm definitely rolling my eyes at last year's Sara Sue.) Just go easy on me and remember that at the time, I had only been doing nail art for about three months. And to be completely honest, I'm sure half of the reason I hate looking back at this mani is because I had acrylic nails back then. Eww, yuck! It absolutely makes me appreciate my CNS nails even more.


Even though I'm wishing I could go do a new mani, unfortunately I'm off to shampoo carpets and generally scrub the house down before my BenBen's birthday party on Monday. I can't believe my "baby" is 5 now! 

Have a great day, Sweeties! 


  1. Wow great tip for using a tip stamp to extend the design :) and you shouldn't be ashamed of your old manis. I remember them from way back in AiS I always thought they were really nice :). Can't wait to see more of your posts and old manis.

  2. I will also be using the black tip idea on my butterfly wings! Thanks for that great idea. You can really tell a huge difference between the acrylics and the CNS nails. I am so keen to get a set of my own...(goes off to implant idea into BF for Xmas).

  3. So lovely, I still don't own a butterfly wing stamp. Love it that you have a blog now :)
